Dear women, honestly, the guys are tired now. Tired of almost everything you throw at us in the name of girl math. And truth be told, there’s not much we can do or understand when you expect us to do wonders.
We are humans. Simplicity does it for us. We’re talking about the “no-need-for-a-Venn-diagram” kind of simple. And you need to understand this thing NOW. So, here is our secret: The Ultimate Crash Course about men’s rules.
Rule #1: Crying is Blackmailing?
Ah, the infamous “tears are weapons” theory.
While we men might joke about it, the truth is, we’re about as comfortable with tears as a cat is with a bath. But fear not, fair ladies, it’s not because we’re heartless. It’s just that sometimes, emotions hit us like a freight train, and we panic. The sirens start to ring and make us lose our shit.
The solution? It’s simple. Well, it’s not as simple as choosing what kind of heels would go with your favorite dress. Think of it as emotional CPR – clear communication, patience, and reassurance. And maybe a tissue or two.
Rule #2: Leave the Toilet Seat Up
Listen up; let’s end that toilet seat debate once and for all. Look, leaving it up isn’t a power move; it’s a relic from a bygone era when indoor plumbing was a luxury. We’re not trying to make a statement; we’re just forgetful sometimes. Or maybe we need it up at all times because sometimes you need to get to the loo ASAP. There’s no time. The clock is ticking.
So, what should you do? Consider it a booby trap – a game of cat and mouse where everyone loses. Or, you know, just put it down yourself. We won’t tell anyone.
Rule 3: We’re Not Here for Sympathy
While we appreciate the sentiment, we’d much rather have a cold beer and a pat on the back. It’s not that we don’t want your support; it’s just that we’d prefer it in the form of a high-five rather than a pity party. You can show us you care by making us laugh or distracting us with food. Works every time.
Rule 4: Yes and No are Perfect Answers
Again, there’s too much complexity already. We like to keep things simple – like a caveman with a club. Yes and no are our linguistic life rafts in a sea of uncertainty. So, stick to the basics when in doubt, and you’ll avoid a verbal landslide of epic proportions. Trust us; it’s for everyone’s sanity.
Rule 5: Christopher Columbus Did NOT Need Directions
We men pride ourselves on our sense of direction – even if it’s about as reliable as a politician’s promises. Asking for directions is like admitting defeat; we’d wander aimlessly for hours sooner than say, “We are lost.” The solution? GPS, Google Maps, or a well-placed landmark. We don’t need YOU to tell us to take a right or a left or go straight. We will figure it out. Relax. We have put the volume down and will definitely reach the destination.
Rule 6: Men See in 16 Colors
Forget fifty shades of grey; men see the world in a Technicolor Dreamcoat of 16 colors –half of those are just different shades of blue. So, when it comes to interior decorating or fashion choices, stick to primary colors and watch us nod like we understand what’s happening.
In Enjoy Your Cake and Share It Too, Dan Klusmann offers a wide range of anecdotes and quips that make you laugh every time. It’s the perfect coffee break book where you will find a complete guide to the men’s rules and much more. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the book now and enjoy your cake while it’s still fresh.